Sunday, November 11, 2007


Before you start with your business, let’s learn how you can start your own business, what the steps are you have to follow and how you have to manage your business. In addition, you will find a very interesting thing about business forms that will make your life easier. First, let us look at how you can start your own business. You have to understand that there are many things you have to consider when you are starting a new business.

The first thing you have to do is to get ready for it. Ask yourself the following questions: Am I ready to start a business? Do I have what it takes to be a great leader? Can I take the shots in my business and do I have the strength to stand by my business in bad times as well? If you can answer affirmatively these questions, I think that you are ready to take on the responsibilities of starting your brand new business.

You should know that before you even move an inch in developing a business you have to do some research and a lot of planning. First of all, you have to decide if you are going on this business alone or if you need a partner.

If you are going solo, you have to do all the planning and management alone. If not, you will probably share the responsibilities with your partner. Delegate your responsibilities and it will be easier to run the business. After that, start planning your business plan. Your business plan should define all of your plans and expenses. In your business plan, you should define how much each phase of your business will cost, your approximated return, and any other ideas you have for returning an income. If you are planning to get a loan, you should also outline the amount of money you'll need and how long you will need to pay the bank back. Business plan is essential as you should have a direction for your business enterprise with ends and an outline of costs. Knowing the business you're about to open is another way to prepare. Explore the demand for your business, your competitors, and how long you will be able to survive till your business turns lucrative. Almost all folks forget to checkout their own funds before setting up a business. This could give rise to unnecessary tension and cause you to lose sight of what you need your business to become.

Then, you have to finance your new business and be aware of some regulations, like business license and organization, the name of your business, tax information, copyrights, trademarks, minimum wage and many more other issues. This is basically the second step, starting your business and you should pay great attention to it. Without a good financial systems is the most common reasons why home businesses fail. A lot of small business owners do not really keep good records of their revenue and expenses. In the end, they find it hard to determine whether their business is earning enough or not. If you are one of those business owners who have not been keeping good financial records, now is the best time for you to establish good financial systems for your company. Good financial systems will not only help your business grow, it will also keep you out of trouble when it is time to file for your income tax returns. Remember that!

If you have an accountant, call him/her and explain that you are just starting your own home business. You will be surprised of all the tax deductions you are able to claim (heat, electricity, phone, rent, etc). Your accountant will advise you to keep financial records for your business.

Setting Up Your Financial Records:

You do not really have to be an accountant or a professional bookkeeper to be able to keep records of your financial transactions. To set up your financial records manually, all you need is a worksheet where you can record all your earnings and your expenses. To keep everything simple, just use a two column worksheet where you can record all your earnings in one column and your expenses in the other. Record your financial transactions at the end of each day so that you will not miss out something. Keep all your bills and receipts on file so that your accountant will be able to easily review your transactions later on for purposes of filing your income tax returns.

Another way to keep records of your financial transactions is the use of those accounting software being sold in the market today. The good thing about using accounting software is that you do not have to keep a lot of papers in your office and you do not have to bother writing things down a number of times in your worksheets. Just load the program into your computer and you can already use it by following the menu. With the use of good accounting software, all you need to do is to enter your financial transactions for the day and the software will do the rest of the work.

Most of this accounting software will also give you complete financial statements after you uploaded all the necessary information so you get to save a lot of time and efforts in computing your earnings. What is more interesting about this computer software is that some of these can also help you project your future income and calculate your estimated internal rate of returns.

How Much Will the Accounting Software Cost You?

The price of the accounting software will depend on the complexity of the program that you need. Simple programs do not really cost so much so you need not worry about the cost. Besides, you can always put the cost of accounting software as part of your business expenses. Get organized early in the game and avoid the pitfalls that may com